Dr. Maryam Bolouri
Media and Communication Studies
As a post-doctoral researcher, my works revolve around science communication, colour research, digital humanities methodologies and data visualisation. My teaching interests include media theories, media design, media art, information design, media competence, scientific writing, media culture, and (indigenous) communication theories.
My doctoral dissertation entitled Medial Transformations: Theorising the Intelligent Mediation Sphere (2019), focused on a critical analysis of the “new” media theories and introduced the concept of “Intelligent mediation sphere”. As a case study, I have focused on App-Arts, app culture and aesthetics. This project received a doctoral scholarship from the Exzellenzinitiative Forschungsstipendien and Stipendium der Adolf Theis-Stiftung, University of Tübingen (2013-2015). My master thesis entitled In Quest of Alternative Views on Theories of Communication: Excavating Thoughts of Sufism (2011) was an attempt towards non-western communication theories.
During my academic profession since 2015, as a research and teaching assistant at University of Tübingen and University of Wuppertal, I have gained experiences in project management, coordinating and organising interdisciplinary and international conferences, writing and coordinating research funds (e.g. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), supervising student’s project, and digital content management and websites. Besides that, I have experience in conception, coordination and website of an Open Access journal, Colour Turn, in a collaboration with University Library of Tübingen (2017-2019). I am currently responsible for Cross Media Production Lab of the Faculty of Technology and Bionics, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.